About the authors

Kelly Kroeger
Kelly is a highly skilled Occupational Therapist with more than 20 years’ experience. She has attended numerous sensory, reflex, social skills and paediatric courses richly enhancing her knowledge base and fuelling her interest in sensory processing and integration, motor proficiencies, social competency skills and child development. Kelly has worked in schools and child-care centres both individually with children and as a consultant. Her passion is to support and teach children strategies to reach their full potential. This has led Kelly to establish her own OT practice, Learn Sense Grow and partner in Move Learn Grow.

Tracey Cramond
Tracey is a well experienced Physical Education and classroom teacher with over 20 years’ experience. She is an accomplished sportswoman and over time has witnessed the benefit of regular movement activities for children. Tracey is an advocate for increasing physical activity at every possible opportunity and has driven numerous improvements to the holistic schooling experience of children under her tutelage. Now a partner in Move Learn Grow her aim is to provide an addition program of regular movement to benefit school children to maximise their learning potential.

Our Team
The Move Learn Grow leaders are a dynamic set of degree qualified professionals that are passionate about improving the foundational movement outcomes of all children. They have each been thoroughly trained in the MLG program and have assisted numerous children to improve their foundational movement skills for a number of years.
All Move Learn Grow staff have Police and Working With Children Clearances to and are either trained or are currently studying Occupational Therapy or Physical Education. Move Learn Grow provides a nurturing environment where rapport and confidence is developed quickly.
The Program
When an Occupational Therapist and a PE Teacher saw first-hand an increasing number of children entering school without the fundamental skills needed to optimise their learning development, they decided to do something about it.
They aimed to develop a perceptual, holistic and movement-based learning program to work on the fundamental motor skills that a child needs in the early years of their schooling.
The Move Learn Grow program assists in integrating left and right brain functions, actively works on integrating primitive reflexes, provides sensory integration techniques, develops coordination and motor planning, promotes visual skills, furthers language and social skills and enhances working memory, literacy, numeracy, and executive functioning.
The program begins with a standardised Motor Skill Collective Assessment to determine any gaps or challenges in motor development for each participant. This is followed by sessions that start with a fine motor skill and exploratory play, then set stations designed to work on skills that are essential to every child.