Australian Curriculum Links:
The Move Learn Grow program is directly linked to the Australian Curriculum. It supports the outcomes intended in Health and Physical Education.
Foundation Year: Australian Curriculum links that our program covers.

Identify personal strengths (ACPPS001)
- identifying things they are good at and describing how these have changed over time
- describing how they feel when they are learning a new skill and what strategies they can use to persist until they are successful
- identifying ways they can use their strengths to help themselves and others
Practise personal and social skills to interact positively with others (ACPPS004 - Scootle )
- practising personal skills such as expressing needs, wants and feelings, active listening and showing self-discipline to be an effective group member
- listening and responding to others when participating in physical activities to achieve agreed outcomes
Identify and describe emotional responses people may experience in different situations (ACPPS005 - Scootle )
- learning and using appropriate language and actions to communicate their feelings in different situations
- recalling and sharing emotional responses to different situations and representing this in a variety of ways
- talking about connections between feelings, body reactions and body language
Practise fundamental movement skills and movement sequences using different body parts (ACPMP008 - Scootle)
- performing locomotor skills in any direction from one point to another
- sending, controlling and receiving objects at different levels and in different ways
- responding with movement to rhythm, beat, music and words
Participate in games with and without equipment (ACPMP009 - Scootle )
- participating in games that require students to be aware of personal safety and game boundaries
- participating in games responding to stimuli, such as musical chairs, rhythm actions, alphabet shapes
Explore how regular physical activity keeps individuals healthy and well (ACPMP010 - Scootle )
- describing their feelings after participating in different physical activities
- describing how the body responds to participating in different physical activities
- sharing the things they enjoy about being physically active
- identifying how regular physical activity can help keep people healthy
Identify and describe how their body moves in relation to effort, space, time, objects and people (ACPMP011 - Scootle)
- moving at different speeds and in different directions with others in a designated area
- demonstrating the difference between personal space and general space in physical activities
- describing body positions when performing a range of different movements
Cooperate with others when participating in physical activities(ACPMP012 - Scootle )
- working with a partner or small group to complete a movement task or challenge
- using words and body language to communicate intentions clearly when playing minor games
Test possible solutions to movement challenges through trial and error (ACPMP013 - Scootle )
- attempting different ways to solve a movement challenge and discussing which ways were successful or not
- trialling a number of techniques when trying new movement activities
- making positive choices when faced with a decision about how they participate in a movement activity
- performing a new movement task for others in their group or class
Follow rules when participating in physical activities(ACPMP014 - Scootle )
- following instructions for personal safety and fair play
- responding to a whistle and commands when participating in physical activities
- identifying boundaries such as personal space and playing area
- demonstrating appropriate use of equipment
The foundation movements or precursor patterns to more specialised, complex skills in games, sports, dance, gymnastics and physical recreation activities. They provide the foundation for human movement and competent and confident participation in a range of physical activities. The fundamental movement skills to be developed through Health and Physical Education include:
- locomotor and non-locomotor skills – rolling, balancing, sliding, jogging, running, leaping, jumping, hopping, dodging, galloping, skipping, floating and moving the body through water to safety
- object control skills – bouncing, throwing, catching, kicking, striking.
This program easily satisfies in achieving many outcomes from the Australian Curriculum it also goes above and beyond the expected fundamental movement skills required by the Australian Curriculum at this age. (see below). This is due to the combination of Occupational Therapy and Physical Education practices placed in combination.
Australian Curriculum Links:
The Move Learn Grow program is directly linked to the Australian Curriculum. It supports the outcomes intended in Health and Physical Education.
Year 1 and 2 Content Descriptors: Australian Curriculum links that our program covers.

Describe their own strengths and achievements and those of others, and identify how these contribute to personal identities (ACPPS015 - Scootle
- participating in games and physical activities and describing how others’ strengths contribute to successful outcomes
- describing personal achievements such as doing something on their own for the first time and sharing how they felt and how it influenced personal identities
Practise strategies they can use when they feel uncomfortable, unsafe or need help with a task, problem or situation (ACPPS017 - Scootle )
- identifying and rehearsing strategies they can use when requiring assistance, such as asking an adult, reading basic signs and solving a problem with friends
Recognise situations and opportunities to promote health, safety and wellbeing (ACPPS018 - Scootle )
- exploring benefits of regular physical activity and identifying opportunities when they can be active at school, at home and in the community
Describe ways to include others to make them feel they belong (ACPPS019 - Scootle )
- exploring how people feel when they are included and excluded from groups and activities
- demonstrating how to include others in physical activities when completing movement tasks or practising for performance
- expressing appreciation and offering encouragement using a variety of communication techniques
Identify and practise emotional responses that account for own and others’ feelings (ACPPS020 - Scootle )
- recognising own emotions and demonstrating positive ways to react in different situations
- identifying the body’s reaction to a range of situations, including safe and unsafe situations, and comparing the different emotional responses
- predicting how a person or character might be feeling based on the words they use, their facial expressions and body language
- understanding how a person’s reaction to a situation can affect others’ feelings
Perform fundamental movement skills in a variety of movement sequences and situations (ACPMP025 - Scootle)
- performing locomotor movements using different body parts to travel in different directions
- performing fundamental movement skills involving controlling objects with equipment and different parts of the body
- demonstrating balances and describing what helps to maintain stable positions
- demonstrating how to transfer weight from one part of the body to another
- demonstrating changes in speed, direction and level of movement in response to changes in music tempo
- creating, following, repeating and altering movement sequences and games in response to rhythm, music or words
- selecting and implementing different movement skills to be successful in a game
Create and participate in games with and without equipment(ACPMP027 - Scootle )
- participating in games that use a number of different fundamental movement skills
Discuss the body’s reactions to participating in physical activities (ACPMP028 - Scootle )
- participating in activities of different intensity and comparing the body’s reactions
- identifying positive feelings they experience when participating in physical activities
- participating in new and unfamiliar activities and describing how they felt about the experience
Incorporate elements of effort, space, time, objects and people in performing simple movement sequences(ACPMP029 - Scootle )
- comparing different types of movements and identifying which ones are easier and harder and why this might be the case
- performing movements under, over, through and between objects, people and equipment
- demonstrating how they can balance on different parts of the body and make different shapes
Use strategies to work in group situations when participating in physical activities (ACPMP030 - Scootle )
- working cooperatively with a partner when practising new skills
- describing and demonstrating how to include others in physical activity
Propose a range of alternatives and test their effectiveness when solving movement challenges (ACPMP031 - Scootle )
- reflecting on their performance and identifying and demonstrating ways they can perform a skill more successfully
Identify rules and fair play when participating in physical activities (ACPMP032 - Scootle )
- demonstrating turn-taking and sharing equipment when participating in minor games
- explaining how rules contribute to fair play and applying them in group activities
- talking about how and when classmates and others have demonstrated fair play
The foundation movements or precursor patterns to more specialised, complex skills in games, sports, dance, gymnastics and physical recreation activities. They provide the foundation for human movement and competent and confident participation in a range of physical activities. The fundamental movement skills to be developed through Health and Physical Education include:
- locomotor and non-locomotor skills – rolling, balancing, sliding, jogging, running, leaping, jumping, hopping, dodging, galloping, skipping, floating and moving the body through water to safety
- object control skills – bouncing, throwing, catching, kicking, striking.
This program easily satisfies in achieving many outcomes from the Australian Curriculum content descriptors in Year 1 and 2. It goes above and beyond the expected fundamental movement skills required by the Australian Curriculum at this age. (see below). This is due to the combination of Occupational Therapy and Physical Education practices placed in combination.
Australian Curriculum Links:
The Move Learn Grow program is directly linked to the Australian Curriculum. It supports the outcomes intended in Health and Physical Education.
Year 3 and 4 Content Descriptors: Australian Curriculum links that our program covers.

Explore how success, challenge and failure strengthen identities (ACPPS033 - Scootle )
- suggesting ways to respond positively to challenges and failure, such as using self-talk, early help-seeking behaviours, and optimistic thinking
- persisting with new activities and examining how success through persistence can have positive outcomes and strengthen identities
- explaining how meeting challenges makes them feel good about themselves and builds confidence to try new things
Investigate how emotional responses vary in depth and strength (ACPPS038 - Scootle )
- recognising own emotional responses and levels of their response in different situations
- describing strategies they can use to identify and manage their emotions before making a decision to act
Practise and refine fundamental movement skills in a variety of movement sequences and situations (ACPMP043 - Scootle )
- performing activities where locomotor and object control skills are combined to complete a movement, task or challenge
- performing fundamental movement skills to demonstrate weight transference in different physical activities
- exploring and practising different techniques to propel objects towards a target
- performing tumbling routines using rolling actions, incline, weight transfer, flight and balances
- performing routines incorporating different jumping techniques and connecting movements
Practise and apply movement concepts and strategies with and without equipment (ACPMP045 - Scootle )
- exploring centre of gravity and stability as they perform balance activities
- participating in physical activities which require problem-solving to achieve a goal
Examine the benefits of physical activity to health and wellbeing (ACPMP046 - Scootle )
- examining the benefits of regular physical activity, including the influence on sleep, concentration and fitness
- examining the benefits of regular physical activity, including the influence on sleep, concentration and fitness
Apply innovative and creative thinking in solving movement challenges (ACPMP049 - Scootle )
- transferring and applying skills to solve movement challenges
- drawing on prior knowledge to solve movement challenges
The foundation movements or precursor patterns to more specialised, complex skills in games, sports, dance, gymnastics and physical recreation activities. They provide the foundation for human movement and competent and confident participation in a range of physical activities. The fundamental movement skills to be developed through Health and Physical Education include:
- locomotor and non-locomotor skills – rolling, balancing, sliding, jogging, running, leaping, jumping, hopping, dodging, galloping, skipping, floating and moving the body through water to safety
- object control skills – bouncing, throwing, catching, kicking, striking.
This program easily satisfies in achieving many outcomes from the Australian Curriculum content descriptors in Year 1 and 2. It goes above and beyond the expected fundamental movement skills required by the Australian Curriculum at this age. (see below). This is due to the combination of Occupational Therapy and Physical Education practices placed in combination.
Kelly Kroeger and Tracey Cramond
Paediatric Occupational Therapist and Physical Education Teacher
Move Learn Grow
Address: 163 Main Road, BLACKWOOD SA 5051
Mobile: 0413 318 574
Helping children to MOVE. LEARN and GROW

© Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) 2010 to present, unless otherwise indicated. This material was downloaded from the Australian Curriculum website ( (Website) (accessed 2019 and [was not] modified. The material is licensed under CC BY 4.0 ( Version updates are tracked in the ‘Curriculum version history’ section on the ‘About the Australian Curriculum’ page ( of the Australian Curriculum website.
ACARA does not endorse any product that uses the Australian Curriculum or make any representations as to the quality of such products. Any product that uses material published on this website should not be taken to be affiliated with ACARA or have the sponsorship or approval of ACARA. It is up to each person to make their own assessment of the product, taking into account matters including, but not limited to, the version number and the degree to which the materials align with the content descriptions and achievement standards (where relevant). Where there is a claim of alignment, it is important to check that the materials align with the content descriptions and achievement standards (endorsed by all education Ministers), not the elaborations (examples provided by ACARA).